Initial project situation:Process optimization projects are only carried out operationally

To ensure sustainable competitiveness, companies are required to support the continuous development of effective and efficient service provision processes. As expertise in the use of process optimization tools is often only rudimentary, the experience of external consulting companies is required. This is where INCOVIS Projekt- und Prozessberatung GmbH comes in and creates systems for consulting, designing, controlling and improving repeatable processes.

In operational practice, it can be seen that many process optimization projects are carried out at the operational level and rarely relate to the strategic orientation of a company. The tools used are usually only visualization tools that make data-based process analysis difficult and are not used by employees in a target-oriented manner. INCOVIS Projekt- und Prozessberatung GmbH also uses tools that are detached from each other, resulting in a high level of coordination effort during project implementation. As a result, there is a need for a holistic consulting product for the implementation of process optimization projects.

Objective of the project:Development of a universally applicable consulting product for process optimization

Derived from the need to expand the consulting portfolio of INCOVIS Projekt- und Prozessberatung GmbH, the overarching objective of the project is to develop a consulting product that can be used both as part of a service and in the form of a specific product. Regardless of the industry and the size of the customer, the consulting product is intended to support process consultants in identifying potential for improvement in process optimization projects.

In order to generate added value compared to the process optimization tools already available on the market, it is necessary to identify potential for improvement that is only visible by methodically linking all company levels.

A fundamental prerequisite for this is the implementation of a holistic understanding of business process management that takes into account both horizontal and vertical process integration. In addition to the necessary definition of interfaces, the creation of a data-based decision-making basis in the form of target-oriented key figures should be aimed for during product development. Finally, the suitability of the consulting product for practical use should be examined by means of verification and validation as part of a trial project.

Project development:Development and testing of the new advisory product

A fundamental understanding of holistic business process management is provided on the basis of the theoretical elaboration on linking the strategic and operational levels and on horizontal and vertical process integration. The scientific findings show that both methodological and information technology requirements are placed on the development of a process optimization tool. Similar conclusions can be drawn from the existing consulting portfolio, as none of the existing process optimization tools meet the holistic requirements.

During the analysis of integrated method management, it becomes clear that the process level, consisting of information and material flow, represents the link between the strategic and operational levels.

The combination of the BPMN methodology and the value stream methodology via interface-oriented linking events, in combination with a business intelligence concept tailored to the data requirements, provides the basis for identifying hidden potential in process optimization projects. Testing within the scope of a consulting project supports this assumption, but also shows that a holistic project approach is necessary in addition to the consulting product. With the realization of this and the creation of various acquisition materials, the development of the consulting product has been successfully completed.

Added value for INCOVIS Projekt- und Prozessberatung GmbH:Applicability of the new holistic consulting product for different projects

The expansion of INCOVIS Projekt- und Prozessberatung GmbH’s consulting portfolio has created the basis for the creation of a holistic method kit that can be used in a modular fashion and according to customer requirements. In line with the principle “INCOVIS generates sustainable competitive advantages for its customers through unique solutions and is rewarded for its success”, a new type of solution has been developed which is marketed as a consulting product under the name “WertstromPLUS”.

The holistic project approach starts with a maturity level analysis (quick check), which reveals the necessity of the process optimization tool to be used.

Accordingly, the process consultants are able to select target-oriented tools and make them available to customers. In addition to the consulting pillar, the new consulting product is also suitable for serving the software and coaching pillars, as the integration of the BI concept supports a data-based software solution and creates a need for training. Based on the analysis results, a target-oriented roadmap (master check) can be derived in order to implement the optimization measures on the one hand and to accompany the companies on their way to Industry 4.0 on the other.