Your benefits as an SMT alumni

  • MORE Life-Long-Learning

    For us, continuing education does not end with the end of your studies. That’s why we offer a free, two-day seminar once a year on different topics with top-class professors – exclusively for our alumni! In addition, we regularly offer lectures on various topics related to professional life, e.g. with the Alumni Round Table or the SCMT Business Impulses!

  • MORE Network

    Stay in touch with us! Meet other alumni and students at the annual Alumni Weekend or at S(C)MT & Friends! Maintain old contacts and make new acquaintances within the alumni network: whether private friendships or the foundation for future business relationships!

  • MORE Commitment

    Our network lives only through you. That’s why we look forward to your contributions: Write a blog post about what moves you or what you know. Appear as a testimonial in our advertising activities. Contribute to our events as a speaker. Share your ideas for new activities for alumni with us. We look forward to receiving your questions, suggestions and ideas at

  • MORE News

    We know that you have little free time in your professional and private life. That’s why we offer you a variety of ways to stay in touch with us online, receive news and be invited to upcoming events:

Alumni – what does that actually mean?

The word alumni is the plural of the word alumnus and comes from Latin. The verb alere means to nourish or bring up and therefore an alumnus is a pupil or foster son in the sense of the word’s origin. The pupils of an alumni school, a medieval monastic school, were also referred to as alumni. In modern German usage, the term alumni is used for former students of a university or other educational institution.

We also refer to graduates and former students of SMT and the former Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT) and Business School Memmingen as alumni. All alumni are cordially invited to stay in touch with SMT, take part in our further education and training programs, join the SMT Alumni Network and get involved in our network.

  • 1200+


  • 53%

    work in senior management positions

  • 99%

    see better career­opportunities after studying at SMT

  • 53000

    average starting salary after studying at SMT

The SMT Alumni Networkintroduces itself

  • In 1998, various Steinbeis students founded the SIMT Alumni e.V. as a politically and denominationally neutral association. It was named after the Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT). Over the years, other graduates of the project competence courses of the School of Management and Technology (SMT) at Steinbeis University and the Steinbeis Center of Management and Technology (SCMT) as well as the Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT) and the Business School Memmingen joined forces in this alumni association. The latter two institutions no longer exist under these names today, but the Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT) was initially the namesake of the association for a long time.

  • Since 2019, the Alumni Association has been active under the changed name Steinbeis SMT Alumni e.V. in order to be closer to the students and graduates of the School of Management and Technology (SMT) and to express this directly in the name. In addition to the Alumni Association, the SMT Alumni Network also offers many further education opportunities and events for former students.

  • In order to be able to centrally manage the organization and thus the offers for alumni, the offers of Steinbeis SMT Alumni e.V. and the SMT Alumni Network were brought together under one roof. Today, the SMT Alumni Network offers all SMT graduates a versatile platform to maintain contact with fellow students even after graduation, to continue their education and to be part of a constantly growing network. The central point of contact for all alumni is the School of Management and Technology’s Alumni Management.

    We look forward to a lively exchange with you in the SMT Alumni Network!


  • Building & maintaining a professional network of and for professionals
  • Professional and profitable exchange of experience through networking events
  • Life-long learning: range of further education and training measures
  • Promotion of cooperation between universities and commercial enterprises on a scientific and cultural basis


  • New contacts & professional network
  • Active involvement in shaping the association’s activities and the range of services for alumni
  • Invitations & information on events & conferences
  • Annual alumni weekend at different European locations
  • Simply join and benefit!

Contact usDo you have any questions about alumni?

Have you studied at the School of Management and Technology and would now like to find out more about the exclusive training opportunities and networking events open to you as a member of our alumni network? Can you imagine sharing your know-how with the next generation of SMT students as a project supervisor in the company? Or perhaps you are planning a Master’s degree or even a doctorate at Steinbeis University after completing your integrated degree at SMT? Whatever moves you: Our alumni team looks forward to hearing or reading from you!

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