Identification and implementation of optimization potentials of the project management method of BWI GmbH

Initial project situation: company’s own project management method provides a standardized procedure
The project management method developed by BWI GmbH, which is set out in the “P3M” procedural instructions, specifies the governance, processes, methods and rules relating to project management at BWI GmbH. The aim is to create a uniform basis and framework for a congruent approach to project management. The “P3M” process instruction is a dynamic document that is continuously updated and adapted to changing environmental conditions. The focus here is on creating a standardized procedure in projects to ensure quality-assured implementation. By applying identical specifications, it is possible to make the results transparent, measurable and controllable, which increases the quality of project implementation.
Objective of the project: Identify optimization potential in project management
The aim of the project is to identify and implement optimization potentials of the project management method of BWI GmbH. A recommendation for action is to be formulated for the responsible department to optimize the process instruction. The optimization can take place either through an organizational or technical measure. The respective optimization potentials are collected from within the organization and from the literature, analyzed, evaluated and presented with examples of implementation. The project identifies potential weaknesses in the project management method and provides new insights. A further aim is to increase transparency with regard to the requirements and needs of the respective organizations to which the procedural instructions apply. Another goal is to further process the identified optimization potential together with those responsible for the P3M process instruction. An important aspect is that the concrete implementation of the optimization potential is part of the project’s objective.

Big Picture Yunus Güner (Source: Own illustration)
Project development: Identify, categorize and illustrate potential for improvement
The project was created on the basis that BWI GmbH attaches great importance to the continuous development and improvement of processes and methods. In addition, the topic is one of the focus areas of the main department, which is why the project assignment was given by the company advisor to identify and implement optimization potentials of the project management method. Various methods were then used to identify optimization potential. The methodical-scientific approach included an extensive literature analysis, an evaluation sheet and several expert interviews. As the individual methods were carried out in sequence, the various aspects could be verified using further methods. This approach enabled a great deal of input to be collected. The input was consolidated, analyzed and evaluated. The optimization potentials were then categorized and both explained and presented with examples of implementation. The further development of the project would be the presentation and analysis of the identified points in specific working groups as well as the concrete implementation afterwards.
Added value for BWI GmbH: Optimization of the method leads to more efficient project implementation
The added value lies in the fact that the further development of BWI-wide project management guidelines is supported by the project. Optimization potentials are identified and examples of implementation are presented, through which optimization is possible. The needs and requirements of the organization are conveyed to those responsible for the P3M process instruction. The added value for the organization is an improved version of the procedural instruction that is accepted by the users. The optimization potentials are the added values that are obvious at first glance. In addition, there are further added values that result from an optimized version of the procedural instructions. These include increasing efficiency and improving the quality of project implementation. Improved specifications, increased usability and an adaptation of the project management method provide optimal support for the project manager and thus lead to more efficient project implementation.
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