A concept for founding an internet-based start-up as a sideline business

30 Aug. 2023
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Initial project situation: Identification of a gap in the market

After acquiring a large dog without undercoat, the future founder of “Gassi Garderobe” soon realized that there were only a few suppliers of dog clothing suitable for large dogs on the market. In order to exploit this niche, the founder wants to set up a company for these special products. The company “Gassi Garderobe” will also include scarves in its collection. One variant is a loop scarf lined with merino wool. This product is unique on the German market and is only offered by “Gassi Garderobe”. In addition, the company philosophy and thus also sustainability are to be taken up in all points. This applies to the materials used (fabrics, wool, etc.), transportation and shipping materials. As the start-up capital is low, the founder decided to set up a part-time business and run the sales online. The aim is to keep expenses as low as possible right from the start.

Objective of the project: Founding a start-up for dog supplies

The aim of this project is to create a concept for founding an internet-based and part-time start-up. All relevant points are to be considered and implemented using the example of “Gassi Garderobe”. This includes the business plan, but also other topics such as the creation of a SWOT analysis or the design of business cards. Despite the fact that it is a part-time business, it was important to consider all points and prepare a promising business start-up. With the help of this concept, the founder should be able to successfully found her start-up “Gassi Garderobe”, establish it on the market and generate a profit in the first financial year. However, this is only possible if all relevant points are broken down and considered in a way that is suitable for a start-up.

Project development: concept development and implementation

Thanks to the successful cooperation of the project team members, all tasks that were due to date were successfully completed within the previously defined time frame. These included the legal requirements as well as the basics (checking the trademark and license rights, registering the domain, creating a SWOT analysis, creating the business plan and other work packages). Furthermore, the planning of the products (selection of the products to be manufactured, selection of the materials to be used, development of prototypes, development of patterns, rough calculation of prices and other work packages). In addition, the planning of processes (calculation of production times, procurement planning of shipping materials as well as researching suitable shipping service providers and their costs and researching suppliers).

The website creation phase is currently being completed. In addition, the marketing and finalization work packages are still open and need to be completed. This includes work packages such as the creation of the social media profiles, the creation of an editorial plan and, in the final step, the go-live of the homepage and social media profiles. However, all the basics have already been worked out for the phases that have not yet been completed, which simplifies and accelerates the subsequent, final processing.

Big Picture Anna-Maria Jotz (Source: Own illustration)

Added value for the Gassi Garderobe startup: Concept for the successful implementation of the business idea

As a result of the detailed processing, the founder noticed significantly more points that needed to be considered than originally planned. However, this is a very positive development, as these were all points that were not business-critical and could be dealt with accordingly by recognizing them in good time. For example, the founder was not aware that she needed to be registered with the Chamber of Crafts before registering her business. The fact that the founder had already dealt with the issue several months before submitting the business registration meant that she was able to apply for registration in good time. These “discoveries” led to delays, but as the founder had planned enough of a buffer from the outset, she was still able to keep to the schedule. The planned foundation and “go-live” of the homepage and social media profiles will not be delayed.

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