Added value of our career­integrated study­program

What the integrated degree program at SMT offers you

Only the application of knowledge creates value. For this reason, theory and practice go hand in hand at SMT: what you learn in your seminars today, you can use for your practical project tomorrow. In this way, you not only acquire practice-oriented specialist knowledge, but also learn to develop your own solutions and position yourself as an expert for your area of responsibility in the company at an early stage.

In addition, the Project Competence Study Program® at SMT offers you numerous opportunities to work specifically on your profile as a specialist and manager. From the secure financing of your studies to the exclusive further training opportunities offered by our educational partners and stays abroad, we support you on your individual career path. Read here what makes SMT’s range of courses so special.

    Professionally integrated

    Study or work experience? With the Project Competence Study Program® at SMT, you don’t have to choose: We combine theory and practice to create innovative career-integrated degree programs.


    We help you to remain financially independent during your integrated degree course. You will receive a salary for your practical project – and all tuition fees will be covered by your employer.


    Whether it’s an online seminar or a semester abroad: at SMT’s partner universities, you will learn what makes up the “way of business” in other cultures – from Europe to Asia and the USA.


    What you learn in your seminars, you put into practice in a practical project. In this way, you will develop your own solutions to real problems from everyday business life and gain a valuable reference.


    The career-integrated degree program at SMT adapts to your everyday working life. Thanks to the modular structure, you will find a work-study balance that suits you and your work in the company.


    The Project Competence Study Program® not only sharpens your profile as a specialist: you also develop your management skills and lay the foundation for your career as a manager of the future.

  • Would you like to find out more about the integrated degree program at SMT?

    Contact us

OUR NETWORK FOR YOUR SUCCESSSMT’s educational ­partners and project ­companies

If there’s one thing you won’t find with us, it’s a run-of-the-mill degree program. Regardless of whether you come to us as a career starter in the Fellowship model or as a professional in the Professional Education Program: We support you on your individual career path. From stays abroad to certifications during your studies, you will benefit from the strong educational network of Steinbeis University.

You will also have access to current vacancies at our project companies via the exclusive SCMT GmbH job portal. Not only do exciting study projects start here – for many SMT alumni, long-term career paths also begin here: 85 percent of our graduates receive a job offer from the companies for which they developed their practical projects after completing their work-integrated Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.

  • Partner Logo: BVMW
  • Partner Logo: SAP next-gen
  • Partner Logo: ADG Business School
  • Partner Logo: Akademie der Energiewirtschaft
  • Partner Logo: Deutschsprachige SAP-Anwendergruppe
  • Partner Logo: Institut für Business Intelligence (IBI)
  • Partner Logo: Jönköping International Business School
  • Partner Logo: Indiana University - Kelley School of Business
  • Partner Logo: WOIS Institute
  • Partner Logo: TÜV SÜD Akademie
  • Partner Logo: Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Partner Logo: Steinbeis Technology Group
  • Partner Logo: Steinbeis online
  • Partner Logo: BOSCH Startup Harbour
  • Partner Logo: Steinbeis Center of Sustainable Technology & Management GmbH
  • Partner Logo: SBA Management School
  • Partner Logo: SAP University Alliances
  • Partner Logo: Germany GmbH
  • Partner Logo: Biologische Heilmittel - Heel
  • Partner Logo: 4flow
  • Partner Logo: Trelleborg
  • Partner Logo: Sopra Steria
  • Partner Logo: Mercedes-AMG GmbH
  • Partner Logo: Amazon Web Services AWS
  • Partner Logo: Dr. Glinz COVIS GmbH
  • Partner Logo: DKB Service GmbH
  • Partner Logo: Deutschsprachige SAP Anwendergruppe e.V. (DSAG)
  • Partner Logo: EIGENHERD GmbH
  • Partner Logo: entero AG
  • Partner Logo: Hochwald Foods GmbH
  • Partner Logo: KE Elektronik
  • Partner Logo: Liebherr
  • Partner Logo: Marquardt Gruppe
  • Partner Logo: Siemens
  • Partner Logo: STI Group
  • Partner Logo: Supper & Supper GmbH
  • Partner Logo: TOOM Baumarkt
  • Partner Logo: Witzenmann GmbH
  • Partner Logo: Carl Zeiss AG
  • Partner Logo: Germany GmbH

Our study modelWhat distinguishes the integrated degree program at SMT

The Project Competence Study Program® is an innovative form of dual study offered exclusively at Steinbeis universities. As a student at SMT, you will work on a practical project alongside your studies, which is designed to solve a real problem from everyday business life. This allows you to apply everything you learn in theory directly in practice, develop your thesis in parallel to your studies without any stress – and create real added value.

To ensure that you get exactly the support you need to develop as a specialist during your integrated degree course at SMT, you will also have two personal supervisors at your side for your practical project. At the university, a project supervisor will advise you on the planning and methodical development of your solution – and you can contact your mentor at the company at any time with any questions you may have about your practical work.

More about the Project Competence Study Program®

Are you a young professional?

Our fellowship model helps you to gain a foothold in the industry of your choice alongside your career-integrated studies at SMT. As a member of our talent pool, you have access to the exclusive job portal of our practice partner SCMT: Here you will find current job advertisements from renowned project companies who are looking forward to hearing from you and your study project.

About the fellowship model

Are you already working?

If you are firmly established in professional life and would like to use the career-integrated degree program at SMT as an opportunity for advancement, our Professional Education Program is made for you: With the Project Competence Study Program®, you can use your practical project to develop innovative solutions for your current employer – for a career boost when and where you need it!

To the Professional Education Program

Contact usOur Talent­management team is waiting for you!

Whether you’re starting out or moving up: with your career-integrated Bachelor’s or Master’s degree at SMT, you’re taking the next step on your career path. Our talent management team is on hand to advise you to ensure that everything runs smoothly, from your application to enrollment and during your studies. We will answer your questions about your Project Competence Studies® and help you prepare everything for your start in the fellowship model or our Professional Education Program.

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